Minor bug-fixes, including multiple resultset
Marker data exports
Minor bug-fixes, including multiple resultset
Marker data exports
HGVbaseG2P study database update
New study HGVST513 GWAS of lung function released:
53 studies (HGVST515-568) from the NHGRI GWAS Catalog
Upload markers with p-values for temporary viewing in the context of public HGVbaseG2P data.
SNP frequencies and LD plots from four HapMap panels available within the HGVbaseG2P Browser.
Export regions of GWAS data to UCSC and Ensembl genome browsers HPO ontologies implemented.
General website GUI enhancements.
HGVbaseG2P study database 8 has been released
New studies and annotations include:
HGVbaseG2P version 4 website enhancements released
New features include:
1 additional study (direct data submission).
Minor bug-fixes, including incompatibility fixes for Internet Explorer.
HGVbaseG2P study database 6 has been released with 145 additional GWA studies
New studies and annotations include: