Study content is available for download
Please use the GWAS Mart to obtain data.
In addition, a Study meta-data file is available for use in data citation research, tracking researcher contributions and data discovery projects.
Association content is now available for download
We are making association content available through GWAS Mart with some caveats:
– there is a limit of 1,000 records per GWAS Mart query
– data is provided for research purposes and MUST NOT be used to provide a similar public resource to GWAS Central
We do not currently provide a data dump of all association data.
Marker catalogue is now available for download at the present time
Our marker catalogue (dbSNP) can now be downloaded via GWAS Mart.
Frequency content is NOT available for download
Frequency data is NOT AVAILABLE due to issues related to inferring the presence of a research subject in summary level association data. This follows a paper on this subject Homer et al., PLoS Genet. 4, e1000167 (2008) which led to the shutting down of all data sharing.
We do include links to all the sources from which we have gathered the data in our system, so that others can obtain the content from its origin as well.
If you have any questions please contact us at